Friday, November 24, 2006
I woke up this morning thinking I had to study. And then I suddenly remembered it's over. That for the next half a year or so I wouldn't have to mug like there's no tomorrow, not if I can help it.
A friend mentioned feeling indifferent after his papers, and I told him any normal person would feel ecstatic. It seems I'm abnormal then, because I didn't feel any sense of elation, just an inward relief that I won't have to go through that insane mugging process again, not anytime soon, at least.
People ask what are my plans. After reading that previous article on sleeping, or how the lack of it makes you fat and stupid, I have decided to embark on a mission to undo that effect. I wouldn't say I totally buy the article, but in any case, it's always better to be safe than sorry isn't it.
I got a lovely surprise a few days back. It's one of those memory which you keep carefully locked up in a special place, then retrieve it once in a while to relive that instant, smile at the memory, replay it and try to convince yourself that it actually happened.
Never in my wildest dreams. :):)
writing at 9:49 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Found this article while surfing around:LACK OF SLEEP MAKES YOU FAT AND STUPIDA lack of sleep makes you "fat, stupid and sick", according to German scientists.
Sleep researcher Professor Juergen Zulley from the Regensburg University Hospital in Bavaria said: "It makes you stupid because suffering from sleep deficiency diminishes your memory. Sick, because too little sleep can damage your heart, circulation, stomach and intestines. And fat because while we are sleeping our bodies release a hormone that reduces appetite.
"If the release of this hormone is interrupted because we are not getting a full night's sleep then we quickly feel hungry which causes most people to head straight to the fridge," he said.
He added in order to stay fit and healthy people should regularly have seven hours sleep a night.
Oh man. No wonder.
writing at 3:53 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006
After watching Princess Hours, often I find myself lapse into bouts of daydreaming sessions while studying for exams. And when I jolt back to reality from my reverie, I find myself smiling like a nut, just short of drooling. C'mon, who doesn't harbour hope of a Mr. Prince Charming sweeping you off your feet, whisking you away to a happily ever after.
At least I'm honest!
writing at 8:41 PM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Just some photos I found from last year's trip.
Kids are adorable. I'd like to have 5 (or more) of my own next time.

writing at 11:43 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Recently, I've observed a highly disturbing behaviour that I have.
Everytime I'm near exams, or in the midst of an exam, when time is crucial (every waking moment should be spent studying), I will be plagued by this ridiculous need to do mindless things like flip through old photos, read past year journal entries, pack my wardrobe.
Like, helloooooooo?!
It's A Levels? You can't even finish mugging and here you are repacking your old novels. You have a major paper tomorrow and here you are going through your neoprints.
What is wrong with me!
Funny how when I had all the time in the world I never bothered to even fold my clothes or clean the room. Why now! I'll feel this sudden unfathomable need to do some trivial thing. And it feels wrong to not do it. I NEED to rearrange all my stickers in my stickerbook(?!). I NEED to open every Christmas card I received(?!?!).
I suspect I am suffering from a behavioral disorder or something. I need a shrink.
writing at 8:34 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
It feels good to be able to read the first page of national news and totally understand what it is about.
"GST will go up to 7 per cent" The Straits Times , Tuesday, 14 November 2006From those Economics lessons, boring as they were, I must admit it helped me to better appreciate - okay maybe not appreciate because as a consumer who wants higher prices - I can better understand what an imposition of indirect tax is trying to achieve.
Fiscal policies. Fund public expenditure. Regressive tax. Widen tax base. Lower direct/corporate tax. I feel almost... clever, intellectual. Like I'm ready to engage in clever adult discussions on government policies and politics. Ha.
Okay so maybe what we're learning in school is not so no-sense after all.
So I'm down to my last 3 papers. They say time flies when you're having fun. It's flying, but I sure am not having much fun mugging my brains out.
And I've found the best place in school to do last minute revisions before any major paper. Inconceivably, and disgustingly, the loo. Admittedly, it's not the nicest smelling of places, but within that four walls nothing distracts, no irritating friend on the verge of a nervous breakdown, no sudden panic seizure when you hear your friends discussing topics you've never heard of your entire JC lectures and tutorials, yeah.
I find it easier to focus and concentrate on what I'm reading, of all places. And it has served me well. So stop laughing at me, you reader.
I'm living in the future, because my mind keeps wandering forwards. But once upon a time I was living in the past, when the mind dwells on events transpired and refuses to move on.
writing at 7:38 PM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I thought your explanation was rather weak.
I'm glad Math is over. My puny little brain can't process more than 4 digits at the same time. 2 more weeks of insanity, and it's goodbye.
I came across this necklace I thought I lost. Which reminded me of the watch. Everytime I wear it I think of you.
I love thunderstorms. Does that make me a pessismist. Pessist. Pest.
Incoherence is a symptom of lunacy is it not.
writing at 12:38 AM