Sunday, February 27, 2005
Today I finally went to the hairdresser's. It has been quite a while since I last cut my hair - not a long time ago lah, only 5 months to be exact, since before prelims. I always dread going to the salon because 9 out of 10 times I don't like the new haircut. Anyways, I had a nice discussion with the hairdresser auntie about pregnant teenage girls who end up abandoning their newborns, and our conclusion is, everyone has pressure. Ah don't ask me why. I have no idea where's the link.
Yesterday I watched Howl's Moving Castle with Cheryl and Yutian. And I enjoyed it. Its not a very wow-ing kind of movie lah, but its those type that make you feel that its worth the money.
Anyways, trivialities aside, so tomorrow is the
big day. O Level results will be released after 2pm. Funnily, I don't feel nervous. Or jittery. Or goosebumpy. Maybe not yet. Am I normal?
But one thing is, I am always comforted by the thought that God is in control. The same God whose Hands flung stars into space, Who created the 4 seasons, has my future all nicely planned out. So I go back to this favourite verse of mine that has seen me through numerous crossroads:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
-Jeremiah 29:11
writing at 8:06 PM
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Today, I gave my first time away.
I stepped into the room; he motioned for me to come sit beside him.
He held my arm and said, "I'm gonna measure your blood pressure now, it's painless. Just relax."
I was nervous and a little scared lah... After all, its my first time donating blood mah. I went after morning training today to the collection center at West Coast CC. It was in the dance studio, so there was a large pane of mirror reflecting the whole room - it was very bright place, and radio music was playing from a corner, with about 10 stretcher chairs neatly arranged in a row. Truthfully, this wasn't really my idea of a blood donation center. I was expecting a dark and cold place with blood dripping and intimidating nurses.
Anyways, so I filled up a form with many questions (eg. Do you have aids? / Did you have intercourse with any person in the past 1 week? / Did you consume any oral medication in the past 3 days? / etc), and a doctor verified all was true and measured my blood pressure. And guess what, he said I have a slightly low blood pressure. I asked him if I was abnormal, but to my greatest relief he reassured me it was because I am healthy. (hehh)
Then a nurse had to prick my finger for blood test - basically to test the iron content in my blood. The drop of blood was supposed to sink in a blue solution so as to ascertain that there's enough iron content in the blood, but my drop of blood sank a little, then floated to the surface. :S In the end the nurse said it was inaccurate 'cause it was only a quantitative test, so she put another drop of my blood into a machine, which gave the 'okay' sign. Which basically means, I can now officially donate blood.
Then another nurse made me lie down on the stretcher, and while my finger prick was still stinging, she plunged an anaesthetic injection into my left arm. And all those stuff that they tell you about ant bites, I tell you its rubbish, because it hurts alot. Then she brandished this metal needle as thick as a straw. I can see the hollow of the needle lah! That's how thick it was.
I looked at her poke it through my arm. I know it sounds sadistic lah, but there's always this weird
urge to look even though I know I won't like what I see. And I have never seen so much of my own blood before... It was quite weird looking at my own blood flow out like a river from my veins into this bag, yet I am still well and okay.
Anyways I was the only donor at the moment, so the doctor came to talk to me. I enjoyed chatting with him because the way he talked made me laugh and he had so many interesting cases to tell me! He told me about this woman who drowned in her own blood :( and another old man who passed out black digested blood. I told him I wanted to be a doctor too, but he said the hours are long, and the pay is not proportionate to the effort put in. But I don't wanna be a doctor because of the financial gain~. Of course not.
Anyways, so it was done faster than I knew it. As the nurse drew out the needle the doctor insisted I rest awhile more because my blood pressure was slightly lower. Then this other Indian guy (nurse I think) was insistent I eat some biscuit (for sugar) before I can leave. (-_-") Which made me laugh because I was saying "nonono" then he was going "eateateat".
Overall it was a memorable "first time" for me, and an enjoyable one because of all the nice medical personnel there who talked to me and made me feel at ease. And I felt a sense of achievement because I know I'll be helping some people, and I braved it alone. If you ask me to do it again, I'll gladly oblige.
Anyways so before I left, the doctor asked my name, and I told him. And guess what he said. He said maybe he'll be seeing me in the near future in the field.
I just smiled. :)
writing at 9:39 PM
Monday, February 14, 2005
Today was yet another nice and memorable Valentine's.
But one thing I must mention is, I'm proud of my li'l brother! :D
I skipped home today in high spirits, and when I reached home opening the gifts I just absently asked my brother if he bought anything for the girl he liked, and to my surprise, he actually said yes! He bought his pink wallet from The Wallet Shop, but he said he forgot to give it to the girl today. Then he said...
My li'l brother:
zair(hokkien for sister), wo shi bu shi hen
hum*(hokkien slang for coward)?
Me : LOL hahaha
hum = humji
I just burst out laughing lah! Of all the questions to ask... Anyways, so being the nice sister I was (and still is), I helped him custom make a card, then went with him to the bookshop downstairs to choose a wrapping paper for the pink wallet. My brother is totally helpless when it comes to this kinda thing lah, but it's quite sweet of him to buy something already. So he (after long hesitation and mustering his courage) called the girl and asked her to meet him for a while at 8.30pm. Good thing the girl lives only in the next block.
At 8.25pm he looked like he was gonna suffer from a nervous breakdown - his hands were cold but he was perspiring. Ahaha looking at my brother get all jittery because of a girl really makes me wanna laugh out loud. He looks like he needs moral support so I accompanied him down, but of course I was hidden out of sight lah. I gave him a pat on the back before he set off on his mission.
I am so proud of him! From a little boy who thinks girls are disgusting, he is actually in love now! (actually more like infatuation in my point of view). Anyways, coming back to the point, it really amazes me how sweet my little brother can be compared to guys who are older who can be very woodhead (chinese) at times. Aha.
Anyways, it's a nice surprise, really, and my mom doesn't know it. Yet.
Till then, it'd be our little secret. ;)
writing at 10:48 PM

Thanks to Xiuming and Ritzley for this lovely Elmo! I like it alot! (:

Thanks Gary for this super cute Elmo too! (: I like it alot too!

I donno when I've developed this affinity for Elmo, but don't you just love them? :D
writing at 8:26 PM
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
I am proud to be a Chinese. (:
I think Chinese New Year is one of the few festivals that will unite the whole Chinese population around the world to come together to celebrate this joyous occasion. Going home yesterday at 4+ o'clock, all the shops (most of them anyways) were already closed for the day. I guess all the shopkeepers must be rushing home for dinner. I like this feeling, that while I am rushing home, everybody on the street - the auntie with the NTUC plastic bags, the boy with untidy school uniform, the lady in officewear - is doing the same too. I really like reunion dinner because its when the whole family gathers to catch up with one another, spend time with one another. I like the thought that while my whole extended family is gathered at my house, the same is happening in other Chinese households all the around world. I mean, which other festive season has everybody rushing home at around the same time to be with their family? (okay lah maybe other than Christmas, which only applies to those who celebrate it anyways).
Close to midnight, Lim Young was telling me how pretty the fireworks in M'sia were. I was so envious! The closest I ever came to fireworks was when I went to Tanjong Rhu near the Stadium to watch the National Day Parade fireworks. It was really pretty lah! The colours were splendid, and it was as if it was right in front of you, and the booming was right in your ear, you can almost feel the decibel vibrating in ur heart even when it's long gone. I wonder if the fireworks is like that too? I really wanna see the exploding of the
bian pao... I guess the only regret every year during CNY for me is not being able to witness it first-hand. Boo.
Anyways, so I am going to go about visiting soon. And I must say this again:
I am proud to be a Chinese. :)
writing at 9:43 AM
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
This year's CNY came faster than I knew it... I didn't even have time to fully prepare for it (clean and decor the house, get new clothes, write couplets, that kinda thing), and tomorrow is CNY already!
Anyways, this year's new year celebrations in school was very different from secondary school 'cause there was the bazaar thing, and not to forget, mass dance! I have never felt more enthusiastic about dancing in my entire life before! Back in secondary school all we ever did was traditional chinese dance (茉莉花) with the demure smiles and backbreaking splits and impossible limb-entangling poses, but mass dance and my Apollo fac dance totally changed my whole perspective of dancing! It opened up another horizon of fun~ I love my fac dance, it totally rocks! It's the coolest dance I've ever learned, and dancing always makes me super high!
I went back to NY after that, and walking in the school compound brought back alot of memories I've forgotten in the past hectic month. Especially the hall. It amazes me how it seemed like it was only yesterday that I stepped into the school as a sec one - still young and innocent. :p hehh.
Anyways, so i am looking forward to a good long break ahead, and to all of you all out there, happy holidays! (:
writing at 11:29 PM