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Sunday, June 27, 2004

this is a newly added segment! Once in a while if i have the inspirations i'll be putting snippets of my everyday life in picture format! I call this, "Snippets"!

this morning i woke to find a basket of live crabs in the kitchen.

they looked so sad awaiting their doom, and looked so pitiful i just had to cut their strings and release them for to let them have a final walk around before their execution. so that is what i did...

this is the crab no. 1. i think its probably tired becus it refused to move at all.

this is crab no. 2. it tried to snap at me, but after it failed, it attempted to run away in its side-walking run.

i got tired of playin with them crabs, and when i checked on them again later in the day, this was what is left of them...

the end.

writing at 7:25 PM

Saturday, June 26, 2004

For the past few days I caught the 13th South-east Asia Women Junior Volleyball Championships at Toa Payoh Sports Hall. And boy was it an eye opener.

I saw how solid the Thailand players were. Even when the other team was leading they were not the least bit nervous or hesitant (they must be putting on a very good facade if they were nervous becus it didn't show at all). Their spikes were lightningly fast and thunderously threatening, and they are all below 19 years old! No wonder Thailand's always the best in the region.

Here's the results:

1st Thailand
2nd Singapore
3rd Vietnam
4th Malaysia
5th Myanmar
6th Laos

Well for the ranking I must say some of the teams do not deserve to be where they are - whether for better or for worse. But I guess, like what a coach told me, to win, one team will be either lousy or not playin up to standard while the other on form. How very true. I couldnt agree more. As we all always say: the ball is round, anything and everything can happen, whether you like it or not.

Anyways, through watching this competition, I have found 2 players whom are my inspirational motivations to achieve better results in my playing of volleyball.

One player showed me how to beat all odds and overcome natural physical shortcomings to be a notch above the rest. She showed me that height is not a definite problem, and that it can be compensated with good skills.

Another player, I really admire her sportsmanship (or sportswomanship, in this case). Unlike the rest, she does not challenge the referee's judgement. And most importantly, what I really like about her is, even after she wins a game, if she feels its not well-deserved, it is clearly written on her face that she feels no euphoria, even though that win is an upset in history.

I think sports is really an enjoyable thing, esp if you're playing competitive. You get to meet all sorts of players and people, and in the end, although winning is important, its not the most important. A few years down the road, who's gonna remember you are the one who spiked that last winning ball? At the end of the day, its that sportsmanship, that sharing of passion with players from other places, that really really matters.

writing at 6:25 PM

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Today was my primary school class gathering. It started off at West Coast CC where they played basketball while I watched. As usual, less than 10 of us were there. And as usual, I had the premonition that it was going to be another failed class gathering where we'd end up just walkin aimlessly in town.

And, as usual, I was right.

We headed for Cineleisure for a movie, and after a long discussion and suggestions and rejections, we ended up with watching Best Bet. 3 people had to re-watch it again, and unfortunately I was one of them. But heys, for the love of Social Studies, in the name of compromises and accomodations, I have no other choice, do I?

Anyways, 5pm, after the show, it was time for the traditional neo-print session. So 11 people squeezed into one small cubicle and, well, it was quite fun lah actually. But as usual we ended up with the macro-size neoprint photos becus we had to divide into 11 sets for 11 people.

So then we aimlessly found ourselves in Sakae where some ppl suggested a buffet dinner. But it was not open. So we drifted out, and somebody suggested eating at Swensens. Being in financial difficulty at the moment I suggested the food court, and so 11 of us drifted again to Taka. So this was how we drifted about Orchard aimlessly, until someone suggested we go play pool at the never-popular Ginza Plaza at West Coast.

Yepp I had no objections lah, since I live in West Coast anyway. We ended up at Ginza in the end, and half the group had to sneak in becus they were underaged. Ha but I can walk through the front door becus I am of age. Wahaha.

So that was how my class gathering went. Like any usual class gathering we had for the past 4 years.

But heys, okay lah, I admit, I had fun. It was fun to tell lame jokes with my old classmates, esp the girls, again. It was, miraculously, fun to drift around with ppl I’ve known during my most important years. And, it wasnt as awkward as I thought it'd be. Everyone was talkin with ease. Yepp I'm glad the bond's still there, and I hope it always will be.

writing at 1:57 PM

Monday, June 21, 2004

Once again I did it. I did an insanely mad thing today. I watched 4 movies in a row. And once again the only person mad enough to do it with me was Shanny(who else). Seriously I can find no one else who wld willing accompany me thru 4 films. For a normal person, 2 is usually the max.

Anyways, this is the list of movies we caught.

1. Chronicles of Riddick
2. Breaking News
3. Undead
4. Home on the Range

Chronicles of Riddick is a rubbish film with no plot, only numeral scenes of muscle flexing and mindless battles.

Breaking News is alright, just that the whole movie was about a game of block-catching between the bad guys and the good guys. I think almost the whole show was scenes of the apartment block and how ppl ran about tryin to shoot each other off.

We watched Breaking News at Lido, and it was supposed to end around 5.05pm so we can rush to Cineleisure in time to catch Undead which airs at 5.10pm. So that gives us only 5 minutes travelling time. But lo and behold, we were so engrossed in watching the bad guy die, that when the show ended, it was 5.17pm! Me and Shanny began to panick, and we started running out of the theatre before the show really ended. We ran all the way out, down the 2 extremely long Lido escalators. And while running down the escalator we had to break up a young couple who were about to hug and get close to each other. They were so pissed I heard the guy said: "Please dont run on the escalators." Yeah right and please dont make out on the escalators. So anyways as I was saying we ran, ran, and ran. Past the underpass down Scotts Road, past Wisma and the biggg centralised fish tank, past Taka, past Mandarin hotel and the Indian bellboy, and finally, finally, reached Cineleisure.

So we finally got settled down in our seats, hot, sweating, and panting. And the first scene I saw was a zombie punching out this old lady's brains, grabbing it out and eating it whole, with all the blood dripping and smeared all over its face. Oh wow. The whole Undead show so totally threw me off guard. I was expecting a good scare, but I found myself laughin at the lamity(self-created word) of the whole film. I have concluded that all NC-16 shows are weird(Esp Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Farenheit 9/11).

Finally, Home on the Range. Well, nothing much to comment about this show, since my butt was quite numb from sitting thru all the shows, I couldnt really think properly anymore. It was an okay show.

All in all, it was a hectic day. And I am awaiting another mad day where I can break my own record of 4 movies in a row.

Just wait and see.

Impossible is nothing.

writing at 8:42 PM

Saturday, June 19, 2004

u know smtimes little things happen to make us more appreciative of the things we take for granted around us. like recently, due to some mysterious reason, my keyboard decided to die. no matter how hard i pleaded or tried to resusitate it, it remains, till today, inactive. so here i am typin using an On-Screen Keyboard designed for users with mobility problems, and u cannot imagine how painfully tedious it is to use the mouse to click on 1 alphabet letter at a time. sigh i miss typin on my keyboard.. its the same with life, ain't it? so many times we only learn to treasure sth after it is gone. so the moral of this incidental life lesson is: love it before its too late.

writing at 10:22 AM

Monday, June 14, 2004

I can't tell you how i'm in lurve with... beach volleyball! It feels so gooood to be able to play volleyball without restraint. and i must confess i prefer the outdoors to the indoors. to choose between playing pool and bowling or beach volleyball, its definitely the latter. no hesitations about it.

i donno, i think its probably the atmosphere. Outdoors, under the sun, alongside the sea, on the sand, i feel... free. And nothin beats a game of beach volleyball. it totally sets my mind free from the hassles of life and every problem or trouble wld be temporarily chucked out.

Anyways i'm thankful i found a bunch of beach volleyball enthusiasts! i still rmb how to got to know each other. It was the last night of Youth Camp, and traditionally nobody sleeps. you should either be playing cards or chatting and talkin into the night. so this night a few of us came together to play vball at 2am in the morning, and after which we made a pact to visit Sentosa one day to play beach volleyball.

That day finally came, and we had so much fun together we just went back again and again. Gradually we formed a 4-man team and every once in a while we'd head down to Sunset Bay. I can't tell you how much fun i have and enjoy playin with them guys. To think their original sport was soccer and rugby, we'd come a longggg way.

I'm going with them again this saturday to play. i think this'd probably be the last time i'd be able to join them, since after which i have to settle down and prepare for prelims and o levels. quite sad to think of it. yepp, so looking forward to having fun this saturday! :D

writing at 10:34 PM

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Today i led in Youth Worship. It wasn't my best leading lah, maybe partly becus of the lack of practice and the last minute exchange with another worship leader. Anyways, i was quite disappointed becus i wasn't able to bring worship to a higher level for the youths. Looking at their dis-interested faces while singing was definitely very discouraging. Hmm i shall strive to do better next time.

writing at 11:50 PM

Friday, June 11, 2004

i think flag day shld be listed down as one of the 10 biggest torture of a student's life (others will include mid-yr exams, 2.4km PE runs, extra lessons during holidays, etc.)

anyways so i had to wake up 6am on a holiday morning to rush all the way to Bishan, only to find out my flag day venue is at Ang Mo Kio. Not that it makes much of a difference lah, since both places are equally farrr from my home.

so on this early week day morning, i had absolutely no enthusiasm to ask for money yet. while i was stoning, a malay man came up to me. he was in his late 40s i guess, wearing a dirty yellow shirt and long pants. he's shorter than me, thin, and his skin was sallow. his hair was like a mop, messy, uncombed and tangled. and he started shouting at me, and i mean really raise his voice. the fact that he looked every bit like a typical homeless man didn't make matters any better. i was scared, so i just listened to him. he stood so close to me, he was almost shouting into my ear. i saw his crooked, yellow, and rotted teeth, and with every word he shouted i could smell his breath - it reeked of alcohol and who-knows-what.

"YOU STUPID! GOT MONEY WHY DON'T EAT? I TELL YOU THEY (he points to my tin can) BLUFF YOU ONLY! DON'T GIVE MONEY! GOT MONEY YOU EAT, DON'T GIVE!" At this point i was really jaw-droppingly shocked and scared. this madman was practically screaming at me, who knows what he'd do next? what if he whips out a knife and demands i hand over the flagday tin can? in my mind i was hoping somebody(preferably a guy) wld come and rescue me, maybe do sth like push off the madman and ask me if i'm alright. but from the corner of my eyes i cld see ppl walking past and givin me "the look", but none stopped to help me while the madman verbally assaulted me.

"LOOK! I HAVE MONEY, BUT I DON'T GIVE! YOU STUPID! WHY DON'T EAT MONEY?! YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I SAY? DON'T GIVE! THEY BLUFF U! EAT MONEY!" i was tryin hard to escape this situation, so to play along, i pointed him to the nearest Cheers station and told him if he wanted to eat, he can go there. okay this response is totally off-key, but in the face of adversity, ppl get desperate mah. anyways, here the situation gets weirder. the madman was still shouting, but he said: "I GIVE YOU THIS! YOU KEEP AND EAT! DON'T GIVE THEM, UNDERSTAND?". then he gave me a dollar coin and forced me to put in my pocket. and then he walked away. finally.

i was stupefied. all i could do was watch him shuffle away and pray he doesn't come back. i was still in shock a few minutes later. my goodness i could've been injured, but no one came to my rescue, or at least find out why this malay man was shouting at me.

this incident just showed me that most of the time in this world, you are on ur own, baby.

writing at 10:33 PM

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

i realise how retarded my prev post sounded, nevertheless i still think a domestic fish is quite fortunate, but nothing beats being a human lah.

well guess what, i went to the newly renovated Jurong East Regional Library today. they have an ENTIRE floor of fiction books, and i spent the whole day there. a whole entire day at the library. i surprise myself sometimes.

* * *

anyways, recently i've found out a very very very significant fact about life: it's unfair. i've never felt so strongly about it before.

but u know what i also realised that i can sit down here and complain and grumble and begrudge the whole day but it won't change one bit.

so i've decided to get a life and stop all the complaining and grumbling and begrudging. y'know this makes me think of a scenario of climbing a mountain. i can sit at the foot of the mountain and complain of how hard it is to get to the other side, but i'll never be able to get there if i sat and complained all day. But then if i stood up and did a little climbing, i may get to the other side, and who knows, maybe on the way up the mountain i may get to see a little rainbow.

so no matter how difficult it's gonna be, i'm gonna try to come to terms to it.

i can i shall and i will.

writing at 9:51 PM

Friday, June 04, 2004

i think life wld be simple and goooood if i were a fish. here is my list of reasons why:

1. there's no need to study and that eliminates a whole load of stress and pressure to face everyday.

2. you get free breakfast, lunch and dinner.

3. you get free house cleaning service every month.

4. there is no need to worry abt whether ur hair is messy or not becus you hv no hair.

5. there is no need to worry abt how u look every morning becus ur fellow fishes look exactly the same as u.

6. u dun need to worry abt a life partner cus he's probably gonna be the one from the same tank.

i think that'll be all. unless i think of some more reasons.

writing at 5:48 PM

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

i was jus reminiscing with my friend the other day about our primary school days...

those pri 1 days when art and craft seems to be the dominant subject;

days in lower primary when we had to line up at the sink and brush out teeth together after recess;

those days when we read the YG (young generation) magazine with its Vinny the Vampire and Constable Acai cartoon strips;

days when ur schoolmate came in the middle of lesson to announce names going to the dentist you'll pray its not u;

days when we were forced to suscribe to xin lie che and do all the chinese comprehension practices;

and most of all, days when we shared secrets about crushes and frisson!

i almost forgot the feeling of frisson until we talked about how we shared secrets about crushes! aha i guess 4 years of schooling in an all-girls' school has alot of effect on any normal individual. anyways as i was saying, i almost forgot how frisson felt like! the kind of frisson u feel when the boy u like walks past or talks to u. yes i had a crush (c'mon lah who doesn't?!) on this boy from another class. everytime he walks past or everytime he talks to me my heart will skip a beat (and i mean literally skip a beat) and pumps so hard i can almost hear it thudding away! ahh and i rmb i will make it a point to reach sch early just to look at him from a distance while hiding among my grp of friends. i rmb once during recess he talked to me! and for the rest of the day i cldnt stop smiling, even in class i found myself jus thinking abt him and smiling my head off~ ahaha even when i reached home i just laid on my bed and kept replayin the scene in my mind.. thinking about this now i feel alittle childish lah, but heys i was still young and innocent then mah.

but haiya one bigggg regret is i didnt tell him that i liked him, cus one or two years later when i went for a class gathering i found out from my friends that he liked me too~. bahhhh. i never saw him again after graduation.

and so the story ends.

so much for frisson.


writing at 8:51 PM


four eight
